Gander Web LTD - Network Issue - Newcastle DC – Incident details

Network Issue - Newcastle DC

Major outage
Started 22 days agoLasted about 1 hour


Reliance House - Newcastle

Major outage from 2:04 PM to 2:25 PM, Operational from 2:25 PM to 3:07 PM

Cloud Voice

Major outage from 2:04 PM to 2:25 PM, Operational from 2:25 PM to 3:07 PM

Dedicated Server's

Major outage from 2:04 PM to 2:25 PM, Operational from 2:25 PM to 3:07 PM

AMD Epyc Public Cloud Platform

Major outage from 2:04 PM to 2:25 PM, Operational from 2:25 PM to 3:07 PM

IP Transit

Major outage from 2:04 PM to 2:25 PM, Operational from 2:25 PM to 3:07 PM

Plesk Hosting

Major outage from 2:04 PM to 2:25 PM, Operational from 2:25 PM to 3:07 PM

  • Resolved
    This incident has been resolved.
  • Monitoring

    We have located the issue, there was a failed SFP module on a core device. This has since been replaced, and has restored service.

  • Investigating
    • We are aware of an issue impacting connectivity at our Newcastle data centre. We believe this may potentially be a failure of a core device. We have engineers on-site investigating this as a matter of urgency. We will provide another update shortly.